Conosci il nostro Team
Lo staff ACK è composto da istruttori qualificati e soci collaboratori. Gli istruttori rinnovano periodicamente il certificato BLS/BLSD di primo soccorso ed hanno lunga esperienza nella didattica kitesurf. I soci collaboratori dedicano parte del loro tempo libero alla promozione del kiteboard ed al supporto delle attività di circolo.
Dicono di noi

I’ve only tried surfing once before and I have wanted to try it again ever since. So I decided to take a lesson with Surfy. It was wonderful. My instructor Trevor was really nice and positive, he was awesome to learn from and after about an 1 in the water I had stood up a couple of times
It was wonderful. I’ve only tried surfing once before and I have wanted to try it again ever since. So I decided to take a lesson with Surfy. My instructor Trevor was really nice and positive, he was awesome to learn from and after about an 1 in the water I had stood up a couple of times